As a little early gift I'm sending the January box a few weeks early so you can enjoy your rare imported Echeveria Red Velvet (1 plant with sparse roots approximately 1" diameter) for Christmas.
Echeveria Red Velvet does best with hours of direct light per day. As always be careful with introducing your plant to full sun directly out of the box. You can sunburn your plant. Morning sun is always safe (prior to 10AM).
With good care by summer you'll be rewarded with the blue leaves stressing to a light pink with the edges and "jelly" center stressing to a very dark red.
Coco coir is a great way to root out your freshly arrived succulents. It is light and fluffy and reduces rot since it is ground up coconut shells versus soil. I get mine damp and then nestle the roots in. I don't water until it has shot out new roots.
Enjoy your new rare imported plant!
I included a little set of cuttings as a thank you for being loyal subscribers. It's a sedum rubrotinctum, a sedum clavatum, a crassula platyphylla 'Day Dream', and a little senecio rowleyanus string of pearls. Root these out the same way. Plant in lightly misted soil (not wet) and then don't water until you have roots.
If you are a monthly subscriber you will receive a regular non-import box in January. I have swapped the months to get you your rare imported plant a month early.